Sunday, September 14, 2008

Johnny Money Game From NFIB

The National Federation of Independent Business has a program called Entrepreneur-in-the-Classroom. The program is designed to help parents and teachers implement programs to teach kids about entrepreneurism and business managment.

Their latest creation is Johnny Money, a completely free online game that allows kids to start their own virtual business. The game introduces the basic factors of successful business managment, and allows users to adjust their decisions in order to improve cash-flow, pay off (or avoid) debt, and manage employees.

The game isn't just a teaching tool. It's also entertaining. In fact, you might find yourself playing a few rounds just for fun!

You can access the NFIB at And the game is available at

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Organic or Not Organic - That is the Question

Nutritionally speaking, is there really a difference between Organic and Non-organic foods?

If you ask most people they would say that the Organic food is better for you, but according to this video, this may be an assumption that isn't necessarily the case.

We all know that vine-ripened tomatoes taste better, and fresh-squeezed orange juice tastes better than anything that comes from a can, carton, or bottle.

That said, does it make any difference if it was Organically grown? What does "Organic" mean anyway?

Turns out, much of it is really marketing hype. Some foods are always "organic". For others, it comes down how the foods are processed.

In the end, however, for many people price is the determining factor. Organic foods cost more, and that can cause fruits and vegetables to be priced right out of reach for poor and middle-income families.

Watch the video here:
Learn more about food biotechnology here: